Spectroscopy Tutorial: Reference

Table of Characteristic Proton NMR Shifts

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type of proton type of compound chemical shift range, ppm
RCH3 primary aliphatic 0.9
R2CH2 secondary aliphatic 1.3
R3CH tertiary aliphatic 1.5
C=C-H vinylic 4.6-5.9
C=C-H vinylic, conjugated 5.5-7.5
C(triple bond))C-H acetylenic 2-3
Ar-H aromatic 6-8.5
Ar-C-H benzylic 2.2-3
C=C-CH3 allylic 1.7
HC-F fluorides 4-4.5
HC-Cl chlorides 3-4
HC-Br bromides 2.5-4
HC-I iodides 2-4
HC-OH alcohols 3.4-4
HC-OR ethers 3.3-4
RCOO-CH esters 3.7-4.1
HC-COOR esters 2-2.2
HC-COOH acids 2-2.6
HC-C=O carbonyl compounds 2-2.7
RCHO aldehydic 9-10
ROH hydroxylic 2-4
ArOH phenolic 4-12
C=C-OH enolic 15-17
RCOOH carboxylic 10.0-13.2
RNH2 amino 1-5